MEET Your Guide

I AM Maria Sophia

I spent years working for start-ups and Fortune 500 companies before becoming a spiritual teacher. Though I was highly successful in my corporate roles, my full potential was limited by well-intentioned bosses and co-workers who could not understand what I really brought to the table. I also felt limited and stagnant.

When I began dedicating time and space to my spiritual practices, I started spending time around others who also had that same inner knowing, the knowing you and I have. Suddenly, instead of being seen as weird, crazy, and, my personal favorite, eccentric, I was viewed as someone who was gifted. This empowered me to lean into my spiritual gifts and serve others for the highest and greatest good.

I’m here to tell you that you have superpowers in the form of your authentic intuitive gifts. Accessing them requires you to stop looking externally for answers and to come back to yourself.

Inner Divinity

Maria Sophia has a unique, holistic approach to healing and guiding others on their personal journeys.

Maria Sophia has an extensive background in psychology, alternative healing modalities and psychedelic therapy, which colors her unique, holistic approach to healing and guiding others on their personal journeys. Her passion for permaculture and sacred connection with the Earth open her up to give powerful healings.

As a certified EMT, Maria Sophia is committed to safety and integrity. Additionally, she is studying to become a death doula and sees plant medicine as a way to prepare oneself for death, offering relief from the fear and anxiety that often surrounds it.

Maria is an intuitive and insightful, and is able to create a safe and supportive space for her clients to explore their inner selves and connect with their own sense of spirituality.

Overall, she is a highly skilled and dedicated professional who is deeply committed to her work and to helping others.


Everything is rooted in a respect, reverence, and acknowledgement of the earth and all that it does for us.

  • Integrity: A deep understanding and honoring of traditions and the people who have developed and passed down medicinal practices.

  • Compassion: Holding space for others in a way that is protective, nurturing, and supportive, allowing them to fully let go and be themselves.

  • Transcendence: Strong sense of self, inner knowing, and quiet assertiveness that comes with being fully in touch with oneself.

Lasting Transformation

When we experience pure freedom, we can access our truest, purest essence of love and live our lives in alignment with our divine purpose. It's a state of being where we feel fully alive, empowered, and connected to the universe.

When we embrace our own unique path, rather than trying to fit into someone else's idea of what is right or acceptable, we're able to break free from the limiting beliefs and patterns that hold us back and claim the life we truly desire.

Energy Body?

The human body has an electromagnetic field called the biofield that helps regulate the body's natural balance. One type of energy in the biofield is electricity, which flows through charged particles called ions. These ions are important for the development and function of cells in the body.

Different tissues in the body have different electrical properties that interact with the biofield in specific ways. The HeartMath Institute has found that the heart's electric field is approximately 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain, and emotions can alter the heart's field.

When feeling emotions like anger or frustration, the frequencies in the heart's field become chaotic and disordered. In contrast, when experiencing emotions like compassion, care, appreciation, or love, the frequencies in the field become more ordered and coherent. This research gives validity to the feeling one gets when they sense the tension in the room or my favorite - someone’s “vibe.”

“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”